Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, fiber, and are fairly low in calories.
FITANALYTICA.COMPolyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats provide energy and support heart and brain health. Include foods like avocados, fatty fish, nuts, and extra virgin olive oil to boost your healthy fat intake.
FITANALYTICA.COMDairy promotes bone health. Low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, or cheese all provide necessary calcium to ward off osteoporosis.
FITANALYTICA.COMOpt for lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and peas, while vegetarian options provide nutrients without the saturated fats found in some meats, promoting energy, good bones, muscles, and skin.
FITANALYTICA.COMWhole grains are fiber-rich, crucial for heart health and lowering cholesterol risk. Whole grain options readily available for bread, pasta and cereal.
FITANALYTICA.COMFlavor your meals with herbs and spices like rosemary, basil, sage, pepper, paprika, and turmeric instead of salt for a healthier and tastier option.
FITANALYTICA.COMStay hydrated by drinking water regularly, as your thirst sensation may decline with age. You can also opt for low-fat or fat-free milk and juice to maintain proper hydration.
FITANALYTICA.COMFood-related illness is risky for seniors. Avoid unpasteurized dairy and raw meats, practice proper food storage and cooking, and discard spoiled foods.
FITANALYTICA.COMMeal planning supports healthy eating by simplifying food preparation process and curbing fast food or snacks.
FITANALYTICA.COMCertain medications may impact hunger, thirst, or food choices.